IET uses an Integrated Development approach in its interventions to address the various issues of poverty. Our aim is to ensure that communities become productive members of society by resolving various development issues. IET’s work shows how formerly dispirited communities become inspired with an orientation towards achieving targets due to Social Mobilization. To maintain sustainability on a long-term basis, each community contributes a minimum of 20% either in labor or in cash. This gives them a sense of ownership, which is extremely important in enabling communities to look after assets provided by donors.
We empower small settlement-based communities to form Community Organisations (CO), following which 3 to 4 COs form Village Organisations (VO), following which representatives from VOs form Local Support Organisations (LSO). These LSOs are formed at the Union Council level and are formally registered under the Social Welfare Act.
IET’s organizational structure divides its projects into different programmatic areas which identify focal areas for project planning and implementation. These issues and subsequent interventions are identified by a combination of community level surveys and latest development indicators as prescribed by national and international bodies.
Our overall approach is based on the following aims:
- To create opportunities for the rural community to participate actively in their economic, social and cultural development.
- To organize and empower the rural communities through the establishment of pro – poor institutions to ensure their total commitment and contribution in the development process.
- To pool all resources utilized in village development, and implement productive transparent integrated village development plans for proper co-ordination at village level
- To transform the rural community into a group of activists with ideological and comparative thinking abilities and enhance self determination by developing their abilities and skills for achieving self sustained development.
- To achieve simultaneous rural livelihood development, infrastructure and development for economic resurgence and social development.