IET aims to create awareness of the nature of the myriad problems faced by the underdeveloped communities, and therefore encourage all to dwell upon the factors responsible for and contributing to the problems. Through this we aim to encourage civil society to come up with probable solutions, based on reality not assumptions and stereotypes, and become problem solvers and active participants in the development of our country.
Help us Fund raise
Organizations like IET are always looking for volunteers who are dedicated and committed to humanity and are willing to help us in fund raising for Endowment Fund as well as various program areas.
Help us with Projects
Community development through participation is central to the ideology of IET. Development becomes meaningless if there is no interaction between the communities and those facilitating the process. We intend to bridge that gap by creating opportunities of interaction between these communities and facilitators, to promote an understanding of each other and generate a feeling of oneness as well as provide opportunities for the less fortunate communities to display there achievements, culture identity. IET therefore welcomes help in:
- Various projects which will give you the opportunity to work in the communities IET impacts.
- Organizing good will activities in communities where IET has interventions like cricket, football matches, concerts, theatre performances, establishing health camps etc.
These activities give a sense of belonging to both volunteers and community members.
Spread Awareness of the IET cause
If IET is to ensure that its work for development continues, it needs to spread awareness of IET’s cause and work. As an NGO our fundraising is based on the awareness people have of our work. IET therefore welcomes organizations and individuals to help in spreading awareness of IET work and champion our cause. These can take the shape of
- Arranging or inviting IET to give presentations to schools/colleges/institutions about IET’s work
- Invitations to events to showcase IET work
- Publicity for IET
- Partnering with us for various projects