IET’s CEO Shahid Sayeed Khan attended the IUCN Congress in Honolulu, Hawaii, held in September 2016, and presented IET’s proposal on Declaration of Astola Island as a Marine Protected Area, to facilitate the conservation of Pakistan’s heritage, its ecologically rich coastal belt. The proposal was accepted and endorsed by all the 10,000 IUCN members attending the conference.
The agenda of the congress was how best to preserve the eco system that the world relies on and reduce the rising temperatures so that the climate doesn’t go to a level where it becomes a threat to human existence. Says Shahid, “10 hectic days. Most incredible time. Met amazing people from many corners of the globe. Incase anyone is wondering what IUCN does. All present are trying to contribute towards making the planet a place that our children will find as beautiful as experienced by their parents. Reducing green house gases, providing sustainable solutions in the energy sector, reuse of water, livelihoods, protecting marine life, reducing pollution on land and sea.”